Floodwaters begin to recede but impacts linger in Lewis County - KING5.com

Officials said even if water looks low, people should not pass road barricades or "Road Closed" signs.

CENTRALIA, Wash. — More than two dozen water rescues were made in Lewis County as of noon on Saturday, including four made overnight, according to a spokesperson. 

Lewis County officials reported many people ignoring road closures, only to become trapped in deep floodwaters.

Several roads remain closed due to standing water, debris and mudslides after heavy rainfall and melted snow caused all nearby rivers to rise above flood stage over the past few days. 

Steven Kaiser prepared after learning the rain was coming, making plans to evacuate if needed. Fortunately, the waters did not reach the inside of his living area, but they did flood his basement- destroying much of what was stored inside. 

"This is a good test for us because it's the first time we had to go through it and it didn't get in the house, but I also ran pumps all day and night and that kept it at bay for a while."

Officials are still assessing the full extent of the damage, and say they remained busy Saturday with clean-up and rescues.

A group of Washington National Guard members responded to flooding in Lewis County, offering support filling sandbags and with anything else needed. 

Along with water on roads in Lewis County Saturday, some closures remained in Thurston County, including Applegate Street and Loop SW and Forstrom Street SW, as of Saturday afternoon. 

Governor Jay Inslee issued an emergency proclamation Friday around winter and weather flooding due to severe winter storms producing extensive rain and snow. 

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